How To Play Poker ? Best Poker Quotes From King Sharks

poker quotes

How to play poker ? Very common question among players of all skill levels. We are perfectly aware, that you can find thousands of long articles, which to help you with poker strategy and mindset. Funnily, sometimes, these long walls of text, can teach you much less, than few well said words.

Today we will save you some time, by giving you invaluable lessons in the form of poker quotes, made by successful poker players. Let’s get into it !

Poker Quotes Serving As Life Lessons

Don’t be afraid of what people might think of you, if you make a play, that does not work out . Doug Polk

In many ways, playing poker, is like opening small business Brian Rast

“Trust everyone but always cut the cards.” ~ Benny Binion

 “Serious poker is no more about gambling than rock climbing is about taking risks.”Al Alvarez

People often make poor decisions , because they do not want to deal with the unpleasantless of being in a tricky spot. Phil Galfond

Hopefully every year you can look back on how you have played last year and think – Wow, I did not really know what i was doing back then . Dan O’Brien

You cannot survive without that intangible quality we call heart. The mark of a top player is not how much he wins when he is winning but how he handles his losses. If you win for thirty days in a row, that makes no difference if on the thirty-first you have a bad night, go crazy, and throw it all away.” – Bobby Baldwin

No wife can endure a gambling husband unless he is a steady winner.– Thomas Dewar

I would encourage people to play this game – we learn a lot for ourselves by playing. I have grown up in this world and a big percentage of what i have learned in this life , has beein in the process of trying to play poker. Whatever weakness we might have, only get exposed when playing poker, and we try to compensate for them. There’s a lot to learn from this game ” – Eric Seidel

All losers exaggerate because they want you to know how bad they feel.” – Mike Caro

Poker Strategy Quotes

“The one who bets the most wins. Cards just break ties.” ~ Sammy Farha

Hopefully every year you can look back on how you have played last year and think – Wow, I did not really know what i was doing back then . Dan O’Brien

We want to retain passion and excitement in order to keep the drive needed to constantly improve, but also to have the ability to be constantly unfazed by what we can’t control. This is the tightrope all players walk and fall from frequently ” – Jason Koon

In poker, you want to play the weaker guys. In chess, it’s the opposite. ” – Hikaru Nakamura

“I learned playing poker that you never count your winnings because that’s when you start to lose.” Kenneth Langone

Every time you play a hand differently from the way you would have played it if you could see all your opponent’s cards, they gain; and every time you play your hand the same way you would have played it if you could see all their cards, they lose. Conversely, every time opponents play their hands differently from the way they would have if they could see all your cards, you gain; and every time they play their hands the same way they would have played if they could see all your cards, you lose.” – David Sklansky (The Fundamental Theorem of Poker)

Funny Poker Quotes

Poker has the feeling of a sport, but you don’t have to do push-ups.” – Penn Gillette

I put three kids through college playing poker. Unfortunately, they weren’t my kids.” – Max Shapiro

“If there is one thing about poker that strikes me as odd, it is this. Poker is the only profession in the world where it pays to surround yourself with the biggest morons you can find.” – Phil Gordon

 “If there ever was a player who was as good as Phil[Hellmuth] thinks he is, we’d never win a single hand.” – Doyle Brunson

Is poker a sport? – I don’t know, but I like any sport where you can eat a hot dog and drink a beer while you’re playing.” – Gabe Kaplan

Omaha is a game that was invented by a Sadist and is played by Masochists.” – Shane Smith

Let me tell you how the Internet screwed up poker, okay? When a guy sucks out on the river, on the Internet, you cannot take the guy out in the parking lot and you cannot break his fucking knees.” – Deuce Fairbanks in The Grand(2007)

“Going on tilt is not ‘mixing up your play.’” – Steve Badger

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