Searching where to play some online poker against recreational players, is only natural for every self- respecting grinder.
Googling the ” best poker apps ” often creates a bigger mess in your head, than there was initially. There are all kind of articles, sponsored posts and overall confusing information, written by people who barely tried the platform they review or promote.
The Poker Agent team is made of experienced players, who always search for the best possible places to play online poker. Last 4 years, our specialty have been the club-based poker apps , because the games there are almost unbelievably soft.
This provokes the question. Why The Poker Agent team, does not play , if the games are that good. The answer is pretty simple…we do !
Most of us are not only customer service ninjas , but also a high stakes grinders. Every poker platform is tested by us thoroughly, up to the highest stakes possible ( usually 50/100) .
This is why , just read the whole article and you will fully understand , which are the best poker apps in 2022. Tested by poker players, for poker players.
Best Poker App for PC
Long gone are the times when you could play on the best poker apps, only from your phone. With android emulators like LDPlayer, you can run applications like Pokerbros , X-Poker and Pokerrrr 2 without problems.
However, there are poker apps, which have fully working PC Clients, which you can download from their official websites. So, the best poker apps, you can play on PC, with dedicated PC version are :
Best Poker App for Multi-Tabling
Most serious grinders, who are used to the regular shark infested online poker sites, are searching for the best poker apps, which can give them similar experience to regular rooms .
While ClubGG app has the best possible user interface, the best poker apps for multi-tabling are :


The reasoning behing this is very simple. Those are the apps with most active tables and dedicated PC version. It is always dependent on which private club you choose on those from our list, but feel free to write us for recommendation.
Best Poker App for Tournaments
When it comes to MTTs , poker apps are just built different than regular rooms. Do no get us wrong, it is the same principle – juicy prizes and all the known and unknown tournament formats available.
The difference on all the best poker apps for tournaments, comes from the fact that the players whi register, are much less, than a huge poker sites like GGPoker.
This would mean prizes are lower, but in fact, they are about the same. Not to mention, that on low to mid stakes entries, the rewards are bigger on poker apps . So to sum up, often bigger rewards, while competing with less players for them. Win-win.
The best apps for tournaments are :


Disclaimer 1: PokerBros is an online social gaming platform and does not provide any real money service.
Disclaimer 2: PokerBros is not a sponsor of or in any way involved with this promotional activity, nor does PokerBros endorse it.
Best Poker App for NLH
This is a tough one, as pretty much all club-based poker apps are great for Texas Holdem. There are many different private clubs on each app, so to have a fully accurate answer, we must compare the games , club by club.
Making such comparisons, will take us days , as The Poker Agent provides access to over 60 differrent poker clubs. To make things simpler, we will give an overall verdict.
In general, all the club-based platforms are great for regular Holdem, but the best poker apps for NLH are :


On these not only the games are soft, you also can choose from the largest amount of clubs. To sweeten the deal – these are the best poker apps in terms of active tables available round the clock.
Best Poker App for PLO
The popularity of regulat Omaha was so big , that it quickly brought us another modifications like PLO5 and PLO6.
Those are ton of fun, but if you are traditionalist , the regular PLO is with strong presence on the following apps ;


Both are great for all kinds of stakes and even have some new fun table types like Double Board PLO and Bomb Pot.
These are the best poker apps to play Omaha and if you are high stakes shark, you will not believe the level of competition at the top. It is equivalent of low stakes in some other online poker site, at best !
Best Poker App for PLO 5
Arguably the most popular game on all club-based platforms. The reason is very simple – poker apps are very popular in Latam countries. South American players are in love with 5 card Omaha, so 2+2 = 4 .
The best poker apps for PLO5 , are of course those with most latino players ;



Juicy games, plenty of tables and loose games. It is a blood bath and expect many multi-wat pots. Experienced players know, that the only thing you need to know is to wait patiently for the nuts and get paid off.
To clarify , this is all valid for Suprema and PPPoker. On ClubGG there are only 3-4 active tables usuallly and is mostly suited for high stakes, but the games are so soft, that we could not skip it.
Forget GTO plays and thin value. Wait for the stone cold nuts – get paid off. If it works for us on 20/40 $ blinds, it will work for you too.
Best Poker App for PLO 6
6 Card Omaha is a high variance game, which more often than not is a chaotic experience. Many cards, many people in the pot, small edges.
This is why it is all the most important for you to find the best possible games, where competition is the worst. Evenly matched players, skill-wise, in the long term will win nothing from each other on PLO6.
However on apps, where 99% of competition are amateur players, who have no idea what they are doing, chances quickly turn in your favour. The best poket apps to play PLO6 are ;


These are hosts of some of the craziest private poker games online. For all the whales and high stakes sharks – just know that you can play tables up to 50/100 blinds on classic PLO6, as well as Bomb Pot and Double Board .
Best Poker App for Short Deck
Short Deck is a game which gained recent mainstream popularity, mostly thanks to the Tom Dwan adventures in Macau.
Most poker apps quickly follow the latest trends and immediately included Short Deck (6+) , to their already rich selection of poker formats .
Still, short deck is not that popular online and the places, where the games are running on daily basis are not a lot. The app, where the 6+ action is solid is ;

Two PPPoker clubs are especially good for this. One is in the Australian PPPoker Union, which is also one of the biggest ones. For information about all PPPoker clubs, you can visit our dedicated page.
Best Poker App for Heads Up
In 2022 , heads up is not only played on traditional Texas Holdem tables, but Omaha as well.
Whether it is NLH, PLO 4 , PLO 5 or PLO 6 – there are suitable places to play heads up . Best poker apps in 2022 to do so are ;


It is highly dependent on which club you chose, but in general, there are many active tables and stakes are up to
10 / 20 $ .
Final Words
With so many online poker apps to chose from, you can see that mostly Pokerbros, PPPoker, Suprema, ClubGG and Upoker we consider the best options in 2022.
There are other club-based poker apps, which try to replicate the success of those, but without success. It is worth mentioning, that these are not only the best poker apps, but also the best poker rooms in general.
No online poker site, can deliver you easier to beat games. There are also other poker apps, which come close to the level of these above, but not quite there yet. These include Pokerrrr 2, X-Poker and Mr.Poker .
The Poker Agent follows closely the dynamic online poker scene. If you wish to get updates from us about the latest news and deals – follow us on Telegram : @thepokeragentclubs