Weekly ClubGG Poker App News – Best High Stakes ? (2025)

clubgg poker

ClubGG Poker App is quickly becoming one of the main attractions in online poker. Not only it is preferred when it comes to poker apps, but its professional design and soft clubs are magnetizing a ton of new players on daily basis.

This speed of light development is the reason why many players are having a hard time on keeping track, what exactly is going on with ClubGG Poker App.

Of course, The Poker Agent already wrote ClubGG Poker Review and is giving you access to all the latest ClubGG Clubs . We even rated the best ClubGG Unions , which you can join.

Now we will do something a bit different. This article will be updated on weekly basis, to keep you informed on everything that is happening on the ClubGG Poker platform. All the interesting content, regarding ClubGG Poker, will be gathered in one place. Consider it a weekly news magazine, to which you can subscribe by bookmarking our article. If you prefer to receive the news right to your phone, without moving a finger, we got you covered too! Our Telegram News Channel is always updated with the latest online poker content.

ClubGG Week by Week

ClubGG Poker Overview (October 2022)

ClubGG Poker App already has a lot of different clubs to choose from. From ClubGG Unions like UTG, which are for lower stakes, through the biggest Israeli Union – Israel Kingdom and ending with the smallest private high stakes’ clubs.

Still, our observations are, that at this point at time, ClubGG Poker main strengths are the private high stakes clubs. Those are filled with whales, who just want to enjoy the game far removed from the pros.

Club poker apps exist due to two main reasons. First one is that the games on those are mainly for recreational players. They are easy prey for skilled grinders. Second one, is that they allow you to play from anywhere in the world.

ClubGG Poker app is home to some exotic clubs from Israel, which fully showcase both advantages of poker apps, we mentioned above. Israeli players are preferred opponent for almost any seasoned poker player, so we are strongly recommending you to take a look at the clubs below;

ClubGG Poker PLO5 Options

These are all universally great choices with club The300, being the most stable and busy one, as part of the second biggest union on the app Israel Kingdom. ” Stable Clubs ” are those which will most likely exist a long time, without you having to change clubs in same union or having to stop activity all together.

Counter to common sense, some “unstable clubs” are the best ones, as they exist only for 1-2 months, but are golden mine for every half decent player who joins. They are filled with 100% recreational players, who often lose interest of the game fairly quickly, but not before they are drained dry, by some regular player.

The Poker Agent guarantees 100% all the deals. Just contact us and you will not have to worry, whether club is stable or not. We will be your bulletproof vest, leaving you only to worry about your poker skills. Our team takes care of everything else.

ClubGG Poker NLH Options

Not surprisingly, Texas Holdem is among the two most popular games on the platform. Most of the ClubGG Poker clubs are offering NLH tables. The Israel Kingdom Union is among the places, where you can play NLH on both medium and high stakes.

The game is vastly more popular however on two other ClubGG Poker Unions, which you can see below ; Feel free to apply Club ID and Ref ID and join to check the games yourself. If you are currently browsing on your phone, the button ” Join” will automatically apply to those clubs lead you inside of ClubGG Poker App.

Both clubs mainly offer low to mid stakes NLH games, with occasional 5/10 for those willing to play higher. There are some regular players in UTG Union, but in general the games are not tough. Traffic is very good there, players come from all around the world.

On the other hand Donkey Union recently merged with Uproar Union and currently have a stable boost in traffic. The active tables are still less than UTG union, but games are a bit softer. Both Donkey United and Uproar were USA unions, so the newly formed ClubGG Donkey United Union, is mainly an American alliance, with many recreational players. We always recommend this club to NLH players, who love lower stakes.

What to Expect on ClubGG Poker – Week 17.10 – 23.10

Just recently we added few high stakes ClubGG Poker clubs to our portfolio. There are two of them, which prefer to stay out of the spotlight, as the whales there are worried about sharks taking their soul ( and bankroll ) . You can contact our Telegram Admin for more information on those. Games are mainly PLO5 of 25/50 blinds and above up to 100/200. One of the highest stakes online, especially for club poker apps.

A private club, which we can definitely recommend is Sea World. This is an exclusive American club with 99% American High Stakes Players. Details attached below :

Games in this club happen rarely. Good news is that the field is quite soft and also that the tables run almost every day. Many private clubs organize games only two or three times a week, but here people are playing on daily basis.

As always, we have great deals for agents and this week is no exception to the rule. All the clubs above are available to affiliates and agents. If you are ClubGG agent, feel free to message us and we can discuss a deal in any of the clubs above, or those we have not mentioned yet . See you next week !

ClubGG Poker App in Week 23.10-30.10

This week we updated our ClubGG NLH options, which you can see above. Now we can offer even better conditions in ClubGG unions Donkey and UTG. Traffic is also a bit better there.

This week we have good news for all Omaha lovers, who dare to play nosebleed stakes. By omaha we mean PLO5 and by nosebleed stakes, we mean 100/200 blinds and above. Games are no joke, so make sure your bankroll can handle the swings.

ClubGG Poker in Beginning of November 2022

ClubGG is continuing to grow, the player base grows in every union and club. The app is slowly but surely closing in on Pokerbros, for that first place spot in club poker apps world. There are no new clubs this week, but we remind you that we have access to some high stakes private clubs on ClubGG, which do not allow to be promoted. Contact us for more information. Happy Halloween and see you next week !

Week 7.11 – 14.11 (2022) – What is new on ClubGG Poker App?

This week on ClubGG Poker the clubs and deals remain mostly the same. The most interesting stuff comes from club Super Mario, part of the union CryptoGG. Details of how to join you can find in the beginning of our article.

CryptoGG union is starting to get noticed and action has increased drastically. We remind you, that this is one of the best ClubGG unions to play high stakes PLO5 games. See you at the tables !

ClubGG Poker in 14.11 – 21.11 (2022) – Silence before storm ?

It has been oddly quite on ClubGG Poker app in the last few weeks, but we suspect it is a silence before storm. Old grinders know the strongest period in the year is during Christmas. Pokerbros app is launching new app in few weeks time, for second year in a row, so hopefully ClubGG joins the trend.

The Poker Agent has one new club for you this week. It is not entirely new deal, as it is part of the CryptoGG union, we mention above. However, in this club we have better conditions for both ClubGG agents and players.

Better than Blick Friday – ClubGG Poker with Its First Indian Alliance 21.11 – 28.11 (2022)

Black Friday is over and we had some special offers on our Telegram News Channel , but ClubGG Poker has other exciting news as well.

This week we are happy to introduce to you, the first ever ClubGG Indian union, with ultrasoft high stakes games. All of you, who love nosebleed Omaha 5 card games, look no further than the India and Dubai club on GG app . Stakes are 25/50 + and we have only few players, who claim that if this was live game, they would lock the door and swallow the key 🙂

How ClubGG Poker Enters December 2022

ClubGG Poker has proven once again it is currently the absolute BEST online poker room for high stakes Omaha. Most of the private high stakes PLO and PLO5 games, happen on ClubGG Poker.

This week we have yet another new EXCLUSIVE ClubGG deal. A private Indian whale infested club. Since December is the big premiere of the Avatar sequel, we are happy to tell you that in December you will not only watch Avatar, but you will also play Avatar . See the details below ;

ClubGG Poker in week 05.12 – 12.12 – New Clubs Available

This week all apps have a lot of exciting news, clubs and deals. However, the cherry on the cake is ClubGG Poker app, where the options available are getting too hot.

This week there are two new ClubGG Poker clubs available for our players, but joining them is a bit different. We will not give away their IDs, nor will we put a link, which will lead you directly inside.

Both of these clubs would prefer to stay under the radar, as players inside are recreational, who play for fun. Owners of these ClubGG Poker clubs, don’t want to ruin the atmosphere by bringing every possible player.

So, The Poker Agent team respects their wish, and because of that, we will give you the information for both of the clubs below, but you will have to contact us directly, in order to get you playing.

ClubGG Poker App – Another Private Club Available this Week ( 12.12 -19.12 )

Deja Vu again this week, as yet another PLO5 heavy ClubGG Poker club just opened doors. It is again a private club, which makes ClubGG Poker app one of the most private club centric platforms in the world. There are so many ClubGG private poker clubs to choose from, that it is impossible not to stay busy, if you are serious grinder.

Here are the details about the new club :

ClubGG Poker App Starts Christmas Week with a Surprise

ClubGG Poker exploded during 2022, as we predicted back in 2021. The clues were all there and the ClubGG Poker rightfully is currently easily in the TOP 3 poker apps in the world.

There is hardly enough time to cover all the great things the app present us with – software, interface, PC version and many other advantages, along side with professional design choices. ClubGG Poker app is perfectly polished mobile poker application, which is promoted by some of the biggest poker celebrities in the world.

Because of all these things, the ClubGG Clubs ecosystem developed so fast, that it is difficult to keep track on all the possibilities. The Poker Agent gives access to a lot of clubs, which are 100% safe choices, since we fully guarantee for all our deals.

We have very special new deal for all players from Israel, this week. We are not allowed to guerilla promoting it, so joining this new Israeli ClubGG Club , is on paper only for players from Israel. Outsiders are forbidden.

However, with The Poker Agent, everyone is welcome, but you need to contact us and ask us about this specific deal. We will get you inside quickly, regardless of where you live in the world. See you next year !

ClubGG Poker App in Christmas 2022

Happy Christmas to all of you ! May the river be with you for the holiday season and long after that.

ClubGG Poker enters the last week of 2022 by hosting yet another new ClubGG Union ! The latest ClubGG alliance is called Solitaire. Currently the majority of the players are from North America and the idea is to develop into one of the best places for mid stakes Omaha. It is in early stage of development, so don’t expect a ton of active tables, but as always, games are definitely not tough. ClubGG Solitaire Union is very suitable for bumhunting weaker players.

ClubGG Poker App in the first week of 2023

Unlike PPPoker and Pokerbros, where the few days of 2023, did not present us with new deals – ClubGG Poker app is once again the place, where a new union of clubs, decided to open doors. The new ClubGG Poker Star Wars Union is another one which will be targeting high stakes players.

The grand opening of Star Wars Union is on 3.1 and it will include 30k GTD FREEROLL , the highest prizes ClubGG Poker app has ever seen from a freeroll, which can be joined by everyone. Stop wasting time and join directly from the link below :

ClubGG Poker Update 07.01 – 14.01

Another week and another fresh new deals on ClubGG. It is becoming increasingly difficult to select just 1 club to play in, as there are plenty of good choices. ClubGG Poker is our main recommendation out of all online poker rooms, if you are high stakes Omaha player.

Here are the new deals and a quick way to join them from your phone. Use the ID and Ref ID codes if you apply from your PC :

ClubGG Poker App in 16.01 – 23.01

This week , there is not a lot of new things happening on the app. The amount of private clubs for high stakes games on ClubGG Poker is already in the two digits area. So, you already have plenty of chance to participate in one of the softest high stakes games, you ever played in your life.

Above , you can find week by week, our updates on the best places to play. Most of the private clubs are focusing on high stakes PLO5 and some of them have PLO/NLH. If you are PLO5 player, you can’t go wrong with the club selection, as almost all of them, present super soft games. If we were to highlight single club, it would be the India and Dubai one in Kohinoor Union.

If you are NLH player and prefer the lower to mid stakes – take a look at Taiwan Union, we mentioned last week, along with Donkey United Union and Under the Gun (UTG) Union. Those are the TOP 3 options for NLH on the ClubGG Poker App. See you next week !

ClubGG Poker App in the last week of January 2023

As we have mentioned multiple times, already, ClubGG Poker is currently aimed towards high stakes players and specifically towards Omaha Nosebleed Stakes.

This, however, does not mean, there aren’t places to play regular NLH, Heads Up and lower stakes Omaha.

For sure, one of the best places to do so is Israel Kingdom Union. It is a big alliance of Israel Clubs with very soft action to be found . It is especially valuable place, for all those who seek to play Heads Up NLH or PLO (4,5) . It is the only suitable place on ClubGG Poker app to play 1v1. Here is how to join this huge ClubGG Union :

ClubGG Poker App in the first week of February 2023

Great news ! ClubGG Poker app will be home to yet another union. This time, the player pool is mainly consistent of European and Israeli players. The name of this ClubGG Union is Wonderland. It is indeed a wonder, how such high stakes games, can be that soft, so the name of the union is spot on.

Here is how to join :

ClubGG Poker App in Week ( 06.02 – 13.02 )

Second week is a bit quieter at ClubGG and rightfully so, since there are already more than 10 different private high stakes ClubGG clubs we give access to. Most of them focus on PLO5, but there are also those which provide opportunity to play in one of the juiciest online poker games. Stakes reach up to 100/200.

There are also 2 clubs, which we are forbidden to promote online, so if nosebleed games are your thing, make sure to reach us and ask for the best deals.

ClubGG Poker App in Week ( 13.02 – 20.02 )

2 weeks in a row, we do not have new special offers for our players or to better explain – we are forbidden to post online about few clubs, which have very soft line up and prefer to stay anonymous.

This is why , the optimal thing to do is contact us and get the latest news directly from us without censorship. See you next week !

ClubGG Poker App in Week ( 20.02 – 27.02 )

This is exciting week for all ClubGG Poker players. Indian community will be extremely happy as well, as the first fully Indian ClubGG room has just launched. It is a private club, in which you can play only if you are:

  • 1. In India
  • 2. Use VPN with Indian settings upon creating new account. After that you don’t need the VPN.

Another interesting thing about the new Indian Taj Mahal club , is that it is among the first ones offering PLO6 games. It’s hardly a secret that Indian players are mostly recreational, so you will have an easy time winning here.

The other club, in which you can gain exclusive access with The Poker Agent is called Halali House. This ClubGG app hidden gam is a perfect place for ultra high stakes games. Currently the players are from India, UAE and mainly from UK. British players are huge whales, so be prepared with solid bankroll, if you wish to face them.

ClubGG Poker App in March 2023

Great start to the month for ClubGG Poker app. Lately it has been the most actively used poker app, to launch new private poker clubs, especially for high stakes. Only in a matter of days 3 new ClubGG clubs opened doors. Here are the details about them :

ClubGG Poker in Week 13.03-20.03

ClubGG Poker app already had plenty of crazy PLO5 High Stakes clubs, but with the inclusion of the PLO6 support and the clubs available for NLH High Stakes, it is impossible to not be interested if you are high stakes player.

Yet for another week we have a new ClubGG offer to add in the already huge list of clubs. This time we will be bringing you in an international high stakes club with good traffic 7 days a week and a lot of undisciplined whales, who need to be taught a lesson. Check out the full details :

ClubGG Poker in Week 20.03 – 27.03

ClubGG Poker has been developing extremely fast in the last few months. In ClubGG Poker app chips are free of costs for club owners. There is no need to buy diamonds, to support your ClubGG Poker Unions and clubs.

This makes opening a club much more accessible. With the plethora of new ClubGG Poker clubs, it is hard to keep track on all, but The Poker Agent team, has all the deals you need.

Unfortunately, many clubs prefer to stay anonymous, so be sure to ask us about the latest deals, as some of them may not be listed here or on our ClubGG Poker clubs page. Nevertheless, we have something for you this week :

ClubGG Poker In The First Week of April

CryptoGG Union is back on the ClubGG Poker app and it is not a April Fools joke. It is a small ClubGG Union, which is offering mid to high stakes PLO5. There are also some PLO and NLH tables, but most of the action is definitely on 5 Card Omaha :

Huge fishes in the newest ClubGG Poker Israel Private Club ( April 2023)

Time for new ClubGG Poker club ! And not just any club, this is a unbelievably soft field with huge amateurs. It is again a private Israeli club, but this one is probably the softest one yet, when it comes to high stakes PLO6.

ClubGG Poker app in 10.04 – 17.04

ClubGG poker app is already one of the most developed agent based poker platform, with gigantic number of private clubs to choose from. It is so crowded, that you only need to mention to us your preferences and we will immediately find you a suitable games to play on this platform.

ClubGG Poker App in Week 17.04-24.04

3 NEW ClubGG Poker clubs we start offering from this week. One private one, one in the one of the most famouns high stakes ClubGG unions and the mainstream ClubGG Union Donkey United, via a brand new club with much better conditions for players and ClubGG agents.

ClubGG Poker App in the Beginning of May 2023

We fully dedicate this week to one of our favorite countries – Israel. Two new amazing clubs has launched and both of them are Israeli. Both are focusing on the omaha players, one is a private club for low stakes and the other in small union for high stakes. Take a look :

ClubGG Poker App in 15.05 – 22.05

More new clubs on the way for all of the GG fans. We have for you brand new unions and clubs , which are not the usual high stakes , common for the ClubGG Poker app. In fact, this week The Poker Agent invites you to two new ClubGG US unions, but you need to contact us directly to get you inside. These rooms wish to remain off the radar as much as possible.

ClubGG Poker App in 22.05 – 29.05

For yet another week, we have very exciting ClubGG Poker app news. Fresh new deal is now available to every player, who choose The Poker Agent services.

The latest ClubGG Union Tornado is now available for our players. Check out the details below :

ClubGG Poker App in 29.05 – 05.06

ClubGG Poker app is lately on fire. 2 new ClubGG Unions have launched, yet again. One of them is called Grand Theft Poker and the other one StarPoker (formerly on Pokerbros).

We will not be listing them below, because we cannot fully guarantee that those rooms are legit. You can find a club, which represent these unions in our ClubGG Clubs list and join to check the action.

Regardless of that, we still cannot fully recommend these ClubGG Poker alliances, because they are too young and green. Of course, if you join, like the action and deposit , we 100% guarantee your bankroll as always, taking the risk ourselves. Our players are always fully protected.

ClubGG Poker App in the Beginning of June 2023

  1. Lately on ClubGG poker app, few American unions have launched, to try and replicate the success of the main US Donkey Union. So far, all of them are not showing great potential. One of them is massive dissapointment.
  2. High stakes games continue to happen mainly in private clubs. Some of those, prefer to stay anonymous, so it is best if you talk to us about playing some 25/50 + blinds. From the main unions, Israel Kingdom is best suited for higher stakes. You can also play HU there.
  3. Yaso Union is back into our portfolio !
  4. Access with no Rabate to Donkey United Union, for all ClubGG agents and players.
  5. With the inclusion of PLO6, ClubGG app really started to attract diverse set of players. Still, most of the action is coming from countries like USA, Canada and Israel. Some of the exclusive clubs are home to arabic players, as well.
  6. There is a private high stakes UK club, with many whales. Mention it, if you talk to our team, about playing high stakes PLO6.

ClubGG Poker App in June 12 – June 18

  1. New ClubGG Poker App deal. A high stakes club called ” Puerto Rico ” is open to everyone, who wish to play 15/30 and above blinds. Games seem very soft, with already spotting few whales from Israel and UK.
  2. Super High Stakes Omaha HiLo Games now available on ClubGG. Ask us in which club !
  3. ClubGG Poker App is heavy on Omaha and High Stakes action. If you wish to play high stakes NLH, your best bet is Israel Kingdom Union. For low and mid stakes, Donkey United, Rake2High and UTG Unions have the most action.
  4. CryptoGG Union has some seriously incredible HU games. PLO4, PLO5 and PLO6 super juicy action on stakes of 25/50 and above. Crazy duels, with not very good players. If you are confident in your skills and break even player elsewhere, you will have a field day in here.

ClubGG Poker App Update in June 19 – June 26

  1. New European ClubGG Union has just launched. Mainly Greek players enjoying NLH and PLO4 low stakes. Ante tables available. Very good deal from The Poker Agent.
  2. New ClubGG Private Club from Dubai. Extremely soft high stakes Omaha up to 50/100 Blinds.
  3. ClubGG Poker app has many private high stakes clubs. This week our players have won most on Turbulence, Avatar and Downtown Dubai
  4. Club “Puerto Rico” has very good high stakes action, but it runs very rarely. Keep an eye on our Telegram Group, we are updating the members there, of all the interesting online poker action happening on daily basis . This includes ClubGG Puerto Rico club.

ClubGG Poker App in June 26 – July 02

  1. New ClubGG high stakes room is set to launch in the end of this week. It’s called ” Chop it up ” , ask us for more details and reserve your spot early.
  2. ClubGG Massive Union is back in our portfolio, though it will probably be not for long. Union is small, tough and difficult to work with.
  3. Star Poker Union no longer exists, club Smooth Fold is gone for good.
  4. GTA Poker Union is no longer available for our players. Just as we predicted earlier, those small US unions will be out of business, quick.
  5. Gambol club is another one which is in summer vacation. The smaller high stakes clubs like Puerto Rico, Downtown Dubai are valuable addition to the high stakes portfolio of rooms, but cannot be depended on, as a main place to grind. The games there, run rarely.
  6. The newly formed Greek Union – Olympus, which we mentioned last week, is becoming more and more active. Seems like a nice place to include in your club list, if you are into lower stakes NLH and PLO4.

ClubGG Poker App News in July 03 – July 10

  1. ClubGG new deal in the Friends Union ! It is a very soft high stakes Omaha spot, with exclusively Israeli players. Not to be confused with the other Israeli Unions, such as Israel Kingdom and The Strip.
  2. ClubGG Deuces is now full of active tables and games go on for many hours and even continue during early mornings. This Canadian ClubGG Poker club is a hidden gem, which some Omaha 6 card high stakes players, are already exploiting.
  3. New set of problems with ClubGG Massive Union. It remains one of the most difficult spots to work with The Poker Agent team is providing , probably , the only way to play there, completely safe and not worrying about whether you will be scammed. We take that risk, so that you do not have to.
  4. There is fresh new ClubGG Rake2High Union Challenge with interesting prizes, which will go on till the last day of July. You can find more information in our Telegram News channel.

ClubGG Poker App in July 10 – July 17

  1. ClubGG Lemon Union ( Chubbies Club) is back ! It is very soft, but make sure to play a bit more loose and give action to the loose recreational players. No one loves nits.
  2. ClubGG Puerto Rico, Friends Union and Downtown Dubai are some of the high stakes secret spots we give access to, but lately the games there happen only 1 or 2 times a week. This is why we recommend the following ClubGG High Stakes Clubs :
    • Turbulence
    • Deuces
    • Avatar
    • 5Card4Life
  3. Since ClubGG is full of Omaha action, there are only few suitable places to play No Limit Holdem, especially if you look to multi-table and play on variety of stakes. The clubs and unions, which we recommend for NLH , are :
    • UTG Union
    • Donkey Union
    • Israel Kingdom Union
    • Rake2High Union

ClubGG Poker app in July 18 – July 24

  1. Fresh new ClubGG Alliance has just launched ! It goes by the name of United Poker Union. Very good for low stakes NLH.
  2. The Greek ClubGG Olympus union is developing nicely, with some solid games, being played during European evening time. Loose players.
  3. Massive Union on ClubGG, continues to remove any player who dares to loses. Luckily The Poker Agent team takes care of all players and your chip balances will not be left hanging 🙂
  4. Now it is way easier to check the TOP 5 poker clubs for your preferred game type, thanks to our dedicated page, where you can monitor the best options for you, in real time

ClubGG Poker App News in July 24 – July 31

  1. Fresh new ClubGG union has launched ! The World Poker 365 is available and booming with action. Plenty of active tables 24/7 on variety of poker formats and stakes. 24/7 activity and every ClubGG agent or player is welcome to join. Just contact us and join the fun.
  2. Another new ClubGG deal for NLH players. Swiss private ClubGG club is available. More details, only on DM.
  3. U.P.U – United Poker Union is on pause. ClubGG poker app lost a great place for NLH, but luckily with the two new deals mentioned above, it will be easily replaced.

ClubGG Poker App – News from the first Weeks of August 2023

  1. Fresh new private club is now active on the platform. It comes from Switzerland and offers wide variety of games and stakes, which include NLH, PLO4 and PLO6.
  2. Super Agent feature is now available on the ClubGG platform, which allows for ClubGG agents and affiliates to work more smoothly and assign sub-agents, seemlessly.

ClubGG Poker App News August 21 – August 28

  1. 3 new ClubGG clubs available from this week onwards. First one is called Golden City and it is high stakes PLO5 and PLO6 action against players from Middle East. Arabic players are playing crazy, so prepare your bankroll accordingly.
  2. Sifi Club – PrivateEuropean club for mid to high stakes PLO6. Mostly 5/10 blinds. Very interesting place against decently skilled players, who are not afraid to stay and play much longer, than the average recreational player. If you are confident in your 6-Card Omaha abilities – this is the place to be.
  3. First Class – Only TOP Gs play here, as this club is with Romanian origin. Jokes aside, if you wish to test your skills against players from Romania, who are notorious with their skill-level, this is the place to do it. Still, ClubGG Poker App is club based platform, so do not expect super tough regs. Just slightly better players, than your typical amateurs, playing on apps.

ClubGG Poker App in September 2023

  1. Many new ClubGG offers on the horizon ! Tarabin club is one of them and it is a French private club for high stakes plo5. Very juicy action.
  2. Chubbies ( Lemon Union) is back ! Better than ever with plenty of high stakes available, on top of the mid stakes soft madness, already happening on the platform.
  3. Poker World365 Union continues to grow and is now the second biggest on the platform. Variety of stakes and game formats are at your disposal.
  4. One of the softest ClubGG Poker App clubs we have seen in a while is called Whales. Not to be mistaken with ” Team Whales” , which is much much worse one. The name of the club is just ” Whales” and you can find it among our offers. It is Canadian private club with 100% recreational players. Super easy to win there.
  5. ClubGG development team have made slight changes to the interface of the platform, while playing on the tables. Now the navigation menu is hidden on the bottom of your screen and you can reveal it by swiping. While hidden, the only thing you can see on the screen is the actual gameplay, without additional menus or icons.

ClubGG Poker News in 18.09 – 25.09

  1. Club Chubbies part of the Lemon union now is booming with high stakes action. Ask us for deal.
  2. 5Card4Life is no longer offering only Omaha games. Plenty of 30/60 blinds high stakes holdem available now as well.
  3. New club from Paris is being tested by The Poker Agent team. So far it looks very good, expect it soon among our offers.
  4. ClubGG Poker app is now home of one more private club for lower stakes action. It is called Monkeys and we consider it very suitable choice for people, who look to bumhunt. It is not running 24/7 , but once it does, has very solid traffic from all over the world.
  5. A whole lot of 5 new private Israeli clubs are now available. They run only for few hours a day. The best way to easily see when games are up, is to subscribe to our Telegram news channel and monitor the action .

ClubGG Poker App in October 2023

  1. Plethora of new ClubGG clubs have launched just in the last few days. One of them is Arena X, a private high stakes Heads Up club. If 1v1 is your thing, look no further than this one.
  2. Boom Box is yet another high stakes club on the platform. The interesting thing about this one is, that it combines solid traffic, loose whale players, all game types ( NLH, PLO4, PLO5, PLO6) and even decent Heads Up activity. Not to mention players come from all around the world, so it is very diverse landscape.
  3. Just One Time is another high stakes club, which opened doors recently and is already amassing serious player-base for an exclusive room for nosebleed action. PLO5 only for now.
  4. ClubGG Swiss union on the other hand is the new NLH must-visit place. All regular Texas Holdem veteran should check it out, as it focuses purely on this classic poker variant. Stakes vary from low to high and there are even heads up action. Lately on ClubGG, HU is very desired game type.
  5. Diamond Dachs is the name of the next European club, which aims to continue evolve the GG trend in the oldest continent. The Poker Agent team is not impressed with the traffic, but one the games run, there are 1-2 fishes who can be spotted. As of right now is good to bumhunt those and for nothing else. It may develop into a busier poker room soon.

ClubGG Poker App Halloween Update

  1. If you are now tuning in to check what have been new lately on ClubGG Poker app, you are in for a treat ( Halloween pun intended 🙂 ) New Israeli Clubs have been launching left and right. Absolutely tremendous Omaha action, nurturing the win-rates of any half-decent PLO player.
  2. Fresh new American Union is looking to overtake Donkey United as the No.1 US Alliance on ClubGG. The name of this GG Union is ” Poker House “.
  3. “Massive” Union on ClubGG Poker app is starting to gain some momentum on the NLH tables. Now it is suitable for both No Limit Holdem and Pot Limit Omaha enthusiasts.
  4. New High Stakes Clubs such as “The VPIP VIP“, “Penthouse ” and especially “Boombox” are trending places for high rollers. The latter one is currently offering the busiest high stakes action on the platform.

ClubGG Poker App – Early November Update

  1. The months starts out with huge news for the platform – Omaha Double Board is now available format on the app and currently can be played in Israeli Poker Kingdom Union, House of Poker Swiss Club and Whales Union. In some private Israeli clubs, we also spotted PLO6 Double Board table.
  2. Week of the comebacks starts with the return of one of the most popular ClubGG high stakes clubs – India and Dubai. Now on the top of the high roller action, there are a bit lower stakes opportunities – 5/10 PLO5.
  3. Another returning deal is the United Poker Union (UPU) . It is very risky place, as owners of this union does not have the best reputation, but as long as you play using The Poker Agent referral codes, we fully guarantee your bankroll, regardless if union/club bankrupts or suddenly disappears.
  4. The newly formed Whales Union , is yet another American alliance on the ClubGG platform, looking to overtake the main US union – Donkey United. In Whales, you can find decent traffic on all popular poker formats. The games are not that great, thanks to the many nitty regs.
  5. Fresh new ClubGG high stakes clubs has also just launched. The most successful one as of right now among them is called ” Wholesome City“. It provides opportunity to play No Limit Holdem against whales.
  6. The other high roller clubs include “Playland” and “Mayfair“. Playland is pretty empty currently, but Mayfair starts to become a player-favorites. It offers one of the highest games on the platform – 200/400 blinds Omaha. Players in Mayfair are mainly from UK and if you have experience in the high roller scene, you know this is great news and incredible opportunity. Contact us for more details.

ClubGG Poker App in November 13 – November 20

  1. This week starts with full speed and brand new deals. One of them is the fresh new private club – “Butze Bebe “. A private German ClubGG club for lower stakes action. Especially great for PLO4 and PLO6.
  2. One of the main ClubGG Unions – Donkey, has now been expanded with few new clubs merging with it. The new name of the union is Uproar Coalition .
  3. NLH Bomb Pot and Double Board tables are starting to attract players, thanks to their fast-paced action. You can play those in the main unions on the platform – World 365, Israel , UpRoar.

ClubGG Poker App – Black Friday Update

  1. This year’s Black Friday on ClubGG Poker platform is more than generous ! It comes with plenty of new exciting ClubGG private clubs. To get access to all these new clubs, check our ClubGG page.
  2. We start off with ClubGG Finish club for Heads Up Omaha. It is exclusive room with ton of potential and very splashy nordic players.
  3. Mirit is the latest high stakes room on ClubGG, which is already preferred by many players from Israel and the Middle East in general. People from other countries are also welcome, so contact us if you look to play some nosebleed stakes.
  4. Big Blind Poker is another new club, which is on the other end of the spectrum, with games being mostly low stakes. Here you can find NLH, PLO4, PLO5, PLO6, Double Board, Bomb Pot – in short all the game types that you need to play against fishes.
  5. Ozerki is a Russian ClubGG club. Now before you frown upon the fact, that you will be playing against Russian players – we absolutely guarantee you that players from there are one of the biggest fishes on apps. Overall russian grinders are force to be reckon with, but on apps it is completely different story. Regs play on the largest sites, on apps are the amateurs.
  6. F.R.I.E.N.D.S – last but not least comes another Israeli room for lower stakes action. This club focuses on low to mid stakes 6-card Omaha. As with all clubs from Israel – games are very soft.

ClubGG Poker App in December 12- December 19

  1. Plenty of new stuff happening on ClubGG, including the launch of few exclusive clubs, which wish to remain anonymous to the wide auditory. To join them, you must message us and ask about them. Very soft games against players from all around the world. Mainly Omaha tables.
  2. New ILS23 Union has arrived this week. Super soft NLH action. There are also plenty of PLO enthusiasts. In order to enter the games, ask us for ID.
  3. ClubGG Italian private club is the latest hit for BombPot PLO lovers. Owners of this club wish to add only players from Spain and Italy, but if you are not from there, just ask us for solution and we will provide one.
  4. ClubGG Ace Union is the latest alliance, which has appeared on the ClubGG Poker app. It hosts players from Dubai, India and Lebanon. If you are outside of these territories, you are still welcome in this fish tank. Perfect spot for mid stakes NLH and high stakes Omaha.

ClubGG Poker App News – Christmas Update

  1. New ClubGG clubs available. Starting off with ” Diamond Balagan ” brand new israeli club for high stakes Omaha. Contact us for deal and more info.
  2. Another new addition is called HoP Junior. It is hosted by the owners of House of Poker CHF – the best Swiss ClubGG club and one of the best on the platform. It is once again targeting mainly PLO6 players, but this time with more low stakes tables and Bomb pot variants.
  3. Mahmod Finland has become one of the best ClubGG clubs for heads up. It is one of the most hard to find places, ask The Poker Agent for access.
  4. KFG Union is sadly now only open to US and Canadian players. Using VPN is forbidden.
  5. Moldova union is back in action with much more PLO5 action, than ever before. NLH options are bare minimum there.
  6. For the NLH crowd, we have not forgotten you – strong lineup of Israeli clubs is at your disposal, regardless of your location. Parliament, Big Blind Poker and Wynn clubs are all available and hosting the best Texas Holdem games on the platform. Reach out to us and quickly gain access.

First ClubGG Poker App News in 2024

  1. Brand new ClubGG union, launched in the last days of 2023. It is called the Gold Fish Union and has many different game types and stakes, almost 24/7.
  2. The high stakes private club trend, continues on ClubGG platform with full speed, in 2024 as well. The latest addition is club called “Luxor”, which is a home to many European high roller players. Let it not scare you, though, players are mostly recreational, even though they play with large stacks.
  3. Middle East region continues to amaze with more interesting clubs, mainly for the high stakes crowd. Balenciaga is yet another room on the ClubGG platform. This one has some crazy adrenaline junkies, who play ultra loose. Very juicy multi-way pots.

ClubGG Poker App in January 15 – January 21

  1. Gold Fish Union, which was launched just last week on the ClubGG Poker App, revealed itself to be a scam. Be careful if you decide to join them, we would advise you strongly against it.
  2. New private ClubGG Poker club is available, for more information contact The Poker Agent. Small stakes with traffic mainly during evening time in Europe.

ClubGG Poker App News in January 22 – January 29

  1. EstampalasGG is the name of the newest attraction on GG platform. It is spanish private club, with one of the best PLO4 tables online. It also has 5 and 6 cards action, but the fireworks are usually happening on 4-carded tables. Up to high stakes available !
  2. Kurukshtera is another private club, which just opened doors. This one comes from the exotic subcontinent of India and has plenty of loose PLO6 players, looking to play any hand, they are dealt. Take advantage of that, by contacting The Poker Agent team.

ClubGG Poker App News in First Week of February 2024

  1. New Spanish club available on the platform. Limited access ! Contact us for more information.
  2. Brand new ClubGG Union – Joker World is already up and running. Plenty of action right of the bat. Do not get left behind and quickly grab opportunity to join the soft tables. Contact us for info.

ClubGG App in February 19 – February 26

  1. New ClubGG club from Europe called Hustlers. Soft PLO6 action. Mainly mid stakes. Other poker formats available as well.
  2. New European ClubGG Union – All In. Action is scarce, but once there are enough players, almost all of them are recreational. Relatively unknown spot, hidden from the regular players on the ClubGG poker app.
  3. The ClubGG MTT Poker League is starting to heat up with larger tournaments and bigger guaranteed prizes ! As the club name suggests – it is a room, which solely focuses on tournaments, so if you are MTT fanatic, look no further than this private club.
  4. Canadian ClubGG club Whale is back bigger and busier than ever. 7-days a week action on multiple tables. Especially good for Omaha, but there are some decent Texas Holdem on mid and high stakes.

How did February – the month of love, end for ClubGG Poker App ?

  1. Joker World Union is temporarily unavailable. The deal may resume at a later date, but there are dozens upon dozens of clubs, which The Poker Agent gives access to, so choosing a replacement will take only few seconds.
  2. HoP Junior club stopped activity. All players who have chips inside with The Poker Agent, can safely withdraw them or move them elsewhere.
  3. Turbulence is back on the ClubGG Poker App ! One of the most recognized and consistently good high stakes ClubGG clubs is back with full speed. The big blinds reach 60 here, so prepare your mindset and bankroll accordingly. It’s time for nosebleeds.
  4. BoomBox club is continuing to amaze ! It is now active for about 6 months and is FULL of 25/50 and 30/60 tables on PLO4, PLO5, PLO6. The player pool there is close to the 4 figures. Unbelievably good job by the owners. Probably TOP 3 place in the world to play high stakes poker at the moment.
  5. 5card4Life – on and off again dance with this club continues. It is very risky to play here, so always make sure you trust your agent 100%, whether it is us or someone else.

ClubGG Poker App Update – Early March 2024

Here are the new ClubGG clubs, The Poker Agent team has added to our ClubGG Poker App portfolio :

  1. Club of Dreams – High Stakes Israeli Club
  2. Great Wall – High Stakes Omaha Club
  3. Ca Va Jouer – Mid Stakes Omaha European ClubGG Club with many recreational players
  4. Si Fi – This European, PLO6 oriented room is back with better deal than even
  5. MJ23 Union is back with better deal. Israeli flag accounts only
  6. Sheep Union – Another Israeli Union for Omaha + Heads Up.

To join these clubs, you can ask The Poker Agent team for deal.

ClubGG Poker App in the last week of March 2024

  1. Many new ClubGG Unions and private clubs available – one of them is Nexus Union , which offers plenty of game variety and traffic 24/7.
  2. Similar to it, is ClubGG Nova Union – extremely good PLO4 action and it even has high stakes holdem double board + bombpot .
  3. ClubGG Fishing4Chips Union is another one, which should be highlighted. It has extremely good games and very busy 24/7.
  4. ClubGG Private clubs are also with some new additions. The ClubGG French Club Salvino is offering some terrific mid to high stakes NLH and PLO5. Be warned, that there is a minimum of 90 hands you must play before standing up !
  5. UFC Union – this room has some serious knockout power with its high-stakes PLO6. This is British ClubGG Club so there are many splashy whales. Games are very juicy but be prepared for huge variance.

ClubGG April Fools Day Update

  1. The April comes with removing few ClubGG Clubs from our portfolio. Fishing4Chips Union, Nexus Union, Israel Poker Kingdom, Rake2High and World365 are no longer places which we offer. This is NOT April Fools Joke. We value integrity and transparency above all and have decided to cut these deals from our list. There are much much better options on the ClubGG Platform.
  2. ClubGG Nova Union is a brand new US-based alliance, with soft games. It is available to our players, ask us how to join.
  3. ClubGG America Union is another fresh place, where there are even high stakes NLH and Omaha running on pretty regular basis. Blinds can reach 25/50, so tread carefully.

ClubGG Poker App in April 15 – April 22

  1. New ClubGG Union Hamossad now available. Its israeli room with all kind of stakes, but is mainly suitable for high stakes Omaha.
  2. ClubGG Deuces once again has incredibly good traffic, especially for private high stakes club. It runs 30/60 tables and usually there are between 3 and 7 full tables for couple of hours a day. Meanwhile, the other Canadian ClubGG Club Whale – is also super busy this Spring. Canadian players are quickly becoming a very active community on the platform.

ClubGG Poker App Easter Update

  1. Brand New ClubGG Club from Europe available. It is called Insomnia and offers mid-stakes PLO.
  2. Another new European ClubGG Club is called Gambling Arena. It is similar to Insomnia but offers higher stakes Omaha.
  3. Our ClubGG Clubs has expanded exponentially. As always, it remains the easiest way to find all the best ClubGG Clubs in one place. The Poker Agent have also added section with scammers, shady owners and risky clubs, which you should avoid if you happen to see them online.

ClubGG News in May 20 – 26

  1. Brand new private clubs Run it Two Times for 5/10 Omaha.
  2. Deal improvements in Uproar Coalition, Joker World and many other unions.
  3. Splash Squad – American private club available.
  4. Best high-stakes club right now is called Double Fiesta. You can join with our help with very attractive rakeback deal.
  5. Two new European private clubs – Insomnia ( Greek Club) and Supreme ( Danish Club) – now available. Extremely soft PLO6 mid-stakes in both.

ClubGG Poker App ( May 27 – June 2 )

  1. New Israeli club available . High rake , but ultra soft Omaha tables ( PLO5, PLO6 + Bomb Pot )
  2. Incredibly soft UK ClubGG Clubs available. Limited access – only for the first few players who ask about them.

ClubGG Poker App in June 17 – June 24

  1. Softest possible Texas Holdem tables can be found now on ClubGG platform. New secret club available, only for players willing to keep their VPIP% above 45 ! If you are ready to sacrifice your pre flop range strategies, contact us and we guarantee you incredibly soft games.
  2. Two new Israeli rooms available. One of them with very soft NLH tables. Contact The Poker Agent and ask for Clubgg ” PVT “ or Home Alone – if you prefer Omaha.
  3. Fresh new American exclusive club now available in our portfolio. It is called Chip Valley and if you contact us now, you will be among the first players joining and open sitting – waiting for recreational players to fall into your trap.

ClubGG News in July 15 – July 22

  1. New secret ClubGG club from Poland available with only players with certain flags allowed. Contact us for info.
  2. Improved conditions in all Israeli ClubGG Unions, all players and agents can contact The Poker Agent and grab the best deals.
  3. Players Choice Union has dramatically improved its traffic. You can join and take a look at the action yourself. It even has some Sit and Go action, a hard to find format, on poker apps.
  4. Rake2High union is back for our NLH lovers. Enjoy a super busy lobby with plenty of active Asian players.
  5. Both Rule Dragon club ( Taiwan Union ) and Vavilon club ( Korean Union ) – are currently not among our active deals. You can follow if this will change in the future in our Telegram News channel, where we share all the juicy news, you can possibly need for all club-based poker apps.
  6. ClubGG Players from Arabic countries are currently gathering to play some higher stakes PLO5 in club called Emirates. You can reserve your seats by contacting The Poker Agent.

ClubGG beginning of August 2024 Update

  1. New private club from United States called Omakase will keep you busy with crazy good Omaha action. Contact us to join.
  2. Another new private club from North America available. It is called Gas Money and has one of the softest PLO5 games on the platform.
  3. Cool Runnings is the name of the latest PLO6 room for mid and high-stakes. European traffic.
  4. For those of you high-roller adrenaline junkies, we give access to Private Jet – Australian private club with amazing bonuses for newcomers and Fish World Union – the latest Israeli alliance with crazy good monthly hand race with HUGE rewards.

ClubGG News in August 26 – September 1

  1. NEW Israeli club called Northern Stars is open for business, for everyone looking to play PLO6 or maybe refer some players to it, in exchange for juicy rakeback deal !
  2. Low-Stakes player rejoice ! Two new European ClubGG clubs are available for all Ring-game and MTT/SnG crowds. First low-stakes ClubGG Union is called Europa Party. It is especially good for PLO4 Heads up up to 1/2 blinds. The second one is ClubGG Trust Union, which is purely for ultra micro-stakes action. Blinds are only few cents. Tournament entries are very low as well.

ClubGG Poker App in First Week of September 2024

  1. Brand new HU Union has launched. Many Brazilian clubs are on board and Latin-American players who joined the clubs already, are looking for opponents up until the highest-stakes. Whether you play NLH or Omaha Heads Up – this is the place to be. Did we mention the rakeback deal you can get from The Poker Agent ? Up to 70% rakeback for players and 75 % for ClubGG agents !

ClubGG News in ( September 9 – September 15 )

  1. Massiv Union once again among our deals. It is far from our favorite place, but if you look to play with bankroll guarantee – join Club ID: 811121 and Referral ID: 7028-1379
  2. Time Machine Union is the next American ClubGG Union, which attracted many players and it is a very desired place currently. Once again, we do not rank it so high, but for the many people who look to play there, here is an access – join with Club ID: 416318 and Referral ID: 5768-2845
  3. Germany and Prague Union is about to come back. Monitor closely , tables should open this week.
  4. Gas Money private club has closed action temporarily but we expect it to be back later this week as part of a union.
  5. MTT Poker League has closed doors for the time being.
  6. ClubGG Rozva is a French poker club with very good HU action for NLH and Omaha. If you love 1v1, this private club has low mid and high stakes.

ClubGG Poker App in ( September 16 – September 22 )

  1. New German ClubGG Union called Teammij is now available to all our players from Europe. Very soft NLH and PLO6 mid-stakes.

ClubGG Poker App News ( September 23 – September 29 )

  1. Sun Run Poker Union now available for all our players. Contact us for details.
  2. New Disneyland Israeli club available. Soft PLO5 and PLO6 mid/high stakes. High rake and high rakeback.

ClubGG Poker App News ( September 30 – October 6 )

  1. Good news for the MTT crowd! Two new clubs with a lot of tournaments and Sit and Go tables. The names are Matrix and Spades. Contact us to gain access to either one or both!

ClubGG News in October 7 – October 13

  1. Be careful of scams on the platform ! There are many players , agents and club owners who are cheaters. Latest to the black list are Teammij Union and Bespredel club. If you hesitate about someone legitimacy, contact us and we will provide you with free information, if we have it.
  2. Brand new ClubGG Paradise union is launching Monday on October 7 ! It is from the owners of the Pokerbros union with the same name. Expect many American players and ton of tables, considering how huge the alliance is on Bros.
  3. New Donkey Punch Union is available for our players. It is unique room that combines some clubs from Asia ( Hong Kong ) and some from Europe (Switzerland ). The main advantage of the playing field here is that there are enough options for every preference.
  4. New private USA-based ClubGG club called Roller Coaster is added to the mix. Contact us to join.
  5. Unique ClubGG Union from Ukraine has now opened its doors to worldwide traffic. You can play some of the softest NLH and PLO5 tables there, most of them are with Bomb Pot. For those who do not love this format, you can rest assured, Bomb-pot is triggered only after 15 hands are played.

ClubGG Poker App Update in October 14 – October 20

  1. All ClubGG Poker Clubs from Israel are back online. Jewish holidays are over and players are ready to return to the tables !
  2. New Small GG Alliance has started. Deals only for players outside of the CIS countries.

ClubGG Poker App News in October 21 – October 27

  1. New ClubGG Union Tsunami is available for all our players. Super strong security team monitors the games, so looking forward to amazing soft games, into safe environment. On top of that , ClubGG agents with strong players, are forbidden access.
  2. New private club called Royal Express, aims to attract many recreational players with super attractive promotions. Hand races, juicy tournaments and a flexible bonus system, perfectly accompaniments the ring-game tables.
  3. Golden Donkey Union is the latest small alliance coming from Israel. As always. club owners wish for players to use Israel flag accounts. If you have the ability to use one, contact us for club id.
  4. Iranian Union from Pokerbros , has now re-established itself on ClubGG. Super soft PLO4 and PLO5 mid-stakes. Players are very quick on the trigger, so expect many multi-way pots and loose calls.

ClubGG App Halloween Update

  1. This is the only club poker app which did not mark the holiday with some cosmetics, but we have something better – new SUPER SOFT ClubGG Clubs. First new one is called ClubGG N-One Union – a small alliance from Ukraine with recreational players . Super large variety of game types and stakes. Good traffic.
  2. The second new club is a private Ukrainian club called Kartishka. Mostly NLH and a bit of PLO5.
  3. Another new private ClubGG Poker club called Full House GG is now available. Ultra fishy NLH tables.
  4. The Israel club with the lowest rake is here. Only 5% with 5bb cap NLH and PLO can be played in the Union of Colours.

ClubGG Poker App in November 11 – November 17

  1. ClubGG Paradise union is starting to look like huge success, with plenty of tables running 24/7. It quickly became one of the largest ClubGG Unions. They have also put a heavy focus on game safety, by hiring a professional security team to monitor the games.
  2. New private GG Club Horseshoe, is the latest place where high-stakes whale gather to play some juicy pots. For now – Omaha only.

New GG Clubs in November 25 – December 1

  1. Brand new ClubGG Union from Israel, called Infinity. Plenty of Omaha tables.
  2. The new American Chip Champion union is the latest hot spot on the platform. It attracts dozens of players on daily basis. Grab deal from our Telegram Admins.
  3. Few new private clubs including PLOMania, TexasMania , Halley Commet and few others are welcoming everyone who do not mind smaller player base and games running just for few hours a day. Great places for PLOMania offers only PLO4, Halley Commet only PLO5 and Texas Mania of course only NLH.
  4. Much improved deal in ClubGG N-One Union. It is one of the best alliances on the platform, so hurry up and claim the new bonuses.

ClubGG Poker Club News in beginning of December

  1. The Turkish Union – All in Arena, is bigger and better than ever. It offers a plethora of Omaha tables, on different formats, such as Bombpot, Double Board and Heads Up. Mainly PLO5 and PLO6 mid-stakes action.
  2. This December begins as a month of resurrections. Another old union called Dacian, is now almost twice as busy than before. Many new agents and players are pouring in, so avoid missing out on huge opportunity to join the room in its peak form !
  3. Bunch of new private American clubs has opened doors. Some of them include Case Money and Wild Jacks . The former is bigger and offers NLH, PLO4, PLO5 tables, with decent activity, and the former is very small with only Texas Holdem and 4-card Omaha – 1 or 2 tables run every day.

ClubGG News ( December 9 – December 15 )

  1. ClubGG platform has brand new icon, you have probably already saw on your smartphone.
  2. Brand new Kazakhstan club now available. Super soft NLH and PLO5.

ClubGG Poker App Christmas Update

  1. New Private Serbian ClubGG Club called Kiril now available. Offers NLH and PLO4 low stakes.
  2. New Higher-Stakes Club named Bingo Bongo is available for everyone with the big enough bankroll, to test the waters.
  3. This month a fresh union called Splash has launched. Super strong security team will be observing the high-stakes PLO6 action in this one. 15/30 Blinds + Only.
  4. The ClubGG UK Club Punters is back and better than ever. Here you can enjoy one of the best PLO6 mid-to high stakes tables ( 5/10 Blinds mostly )
  5. Last but not least, Black Moon is the latest union on ClubGG Platform. Asian alliance with players primarily from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

ClubGG Poker App in the first week of 2025

  1. Incredibly soft high-stakes action on club The Poker Police – Splash Union. If you are an expert of PLO5 and PLO6, and have the bankroll to play 10/20 + , you will be “printing”.
  2. New private ClubGG club called VBH, has just launched. Very loose PLO5 and NLH tables.
  3. Ukrainian N-One Union has now merged with some new clubs and it starts off 2025 with a new name – Pokerdom . On top of the players from Ukraine, now there are also plenty of people from Azerbaijan and France.
  4. Triumph Union now accepts only players with Kazakhstan flag. The club is strange mix of low-stakes NLH and high-stakes PLO5.

ClubGG Poker News January 20 – January 26

  1. New high-stakes ClubGG club hosted by top professionals from Europe. The club is called Diamond Series of Poker, the latest hot place for Highroller cash games and SUPER juicy tournaments !
  2. New private high-stakes club called Bump and Grind offers 10/20 PLO4 and PLO5 against small pool of whales.
  3. Buttermilk club is the answer to the question, where to play good Omaha mid-stakes. Has PLO4 , PLO5, PLO6 and even double board. ClubGG agents and players who join with us till the end of the month will receive premium rakeback deal.
  4. Triumph union has merged with Pokerdom alliance. The room struggles to offer adequate NLH but has some 5/10 PLO5 , if you are interested in this particular game type. Many players from Kazakhstan.
  5. Chip Champion Union is back under new management. Top notch rakeback deal from The Poker Agent for loyal players and newcomers.
  6. Small European Union Atamans, has opened its doors for everyone, who is outside of Russia and Belarus. Players from rest of the world are welcome to join! Expect soft low to mid-stakes action on every type of Omaha + Texas Holdem.
  7. Last but not least, small alliance called Empire of Holdem is available for Texas Holdem and despite the name – primarily for PLO5 up to 5/10. Rakeback deal is low but action is worth it !

ClubGG App News ( January 27 – February 2 )

  1. Ton of new clubs available on ClubGG ! Starting with the The Reef Union, which is perfect spot for low-stakes NLH.
  2. If PLO6 is your game of choice and you are not a nit, welcome to the VIP Lounge. This club lacks in name originality, but the tables are worth it.
  3. For those who do not mind to play without rakeback, we have super exclusive spots, against USA recreational players. The ClubGG American private clubs are called Crank Nation and Come and Get It. Both are currently among the best places for PLO4. “Crank” is for low to mid-stakes and “Come” is for high-stakes.
  4. Exclusive high-stakes Omaha club Donkeyland2 is available to our players. Moderately busy 5/10 lobby.
  5. Better deal in Easy Money Union is now available for newcomers and loyal ClubGG players and agents.
  6. Epiphany GG Club has expanded into union, by merging few clubs together. For premium rakeback deal, contact us.

ClubGG Poker App in February 3 – February 9

  1. French private club for NLH and PLO5 is available only for our players. The owner asks for the club to remain anonymous, so you can gain access only by contacting us.
  2. Super soft 5/10 NLH action , at around 10 PM eastern time ( ET) in private American ClubGG Club. Game host here, also wishes to keep the room under the radar, so if you are high-stakes holdem player, ask us about this specific club to get information how to join.
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